
Avery Elizabeth Torrey

Our cousins, Mark and Aubrey, have had a whirlwind of a year. They were married last August and so Aubrey moved to Colorado (where Mark is from), after having lived her whole life in Texas. THEN, this June they had their first baby--a sweet little girl named Avery!

We were so blessed to be able to design her announcement. Avery is probably the most beautiful baby we've ever seen. We're not just saying that because we love her--it's just true. She is so precious:

(this design is the girl version of Micaiah's announcement we did in February)


Aunt Linda

I made these for my Aunt Linda for her 50th birthday!

note cards

matching letter sheets


Our Mantle

We love to decorate our house with pictures of our family and our friends--it reminds us of all the people we love and who love us. Recently I'd been trying to decide who (or what) to give the most prized position to--above the fireplace--the coveted mantle!! haha :)

Finally, we decided to put two huge frames with this passage and this picture in them to remind us to follow hard after Jesus.

I've already been so blessed by this decision. Each time I look up there I'm reminded what our true goal should be. It has nothing to do with our company or the success of it. Our true goal is only to glorify the Lord.

Missions Banquet 2009

We were able to create the poster advertising the Missions Banquet at our church!

(photo of France Brown, Jr. by drumm|studios)

Anah Diettel

We wanted to do our sweet friends, Stephen and Tiffany's, baby announcement and they let us! Yay! This one was so much fun to do and I really think it shows off Tiffany's great sense of fun!

(drumm|studios took these awesome pictures!)

Ladies Retreat 2009

This spring I was able to design the Ladies Retreat booklet for the church:

Bekah Boys Photography

Our friend, Bekah is an amazing photographer. She doesn't have her own business, though . . . yet :) We just did these for fun:


website splash page

business card


5th Street Metropolitan Museum

Tim created this brochure cover design, website design, and business card design as templates for customers:

brochure cover

front page of website

business card

Platt Family Reunion

Every summer we spend a weekend in June with Katie's family re-uniting with them! It one of the weekends that we look forward to most! This summer we were able to design the invitations to the weekend!

I had so much for with this invitation, because this is what the photo looked like before I took it into Photoshop:

I had way too much fun with this one! :)

Joshua Warden

At our church we are blessed with so many awesome families. One of those families is the Wardens. Gordon & Veronica asked us to do their baby announcement and we couldn't have been more happy to work with them!

We needed to take pictures of sweet Joshua and so I went over to their house and got some cute shots:

We had some trouble keep Joshua awake, but I think that led to such sweet photos!

Look at that head of hair!


One of my favorite things to do is to design note cards. I just really love thinking about certain women in my life and creating card for them to use!

One of our friends, Esme, has a very funky style.
She grew up in South Africa, and so I designed these cards with her in mind!

I actually received a card very much like this one from a dear lady, Veronica, and thought it was just beautiful, so I made changes to it to make it fit my likings!

I have a sweet friend, Alicia, who inspired these flower cards!


Jason Drumm

Our brother, Jason, graduated from college this spring!!!! We were SO excited to design his graduation announcement/invitation! Jason and his wife Claire are our very best friends and we are just so blessed to be a part of their lives :)

(drumm|studios obviously took this photo)

Brandon Daniel

This past spring our buddy, Brandon, graduated from high school. We were so excited to design his awesome announcement and invitation-in-one! We were so blessed to be able to do this announcement for such an amazing godly young man!

(The picture in his cap and gown was taken by our brother, Jason, who has his own photography business, drumm|studios, and he's REALLY good!)

Josh & Michelle Johns

Again! We were able to work with sweet friends! Josh & Michelle are the cutest couple ever and we were able to do their wedding programs, their thank you notes, and some stationary that Michelle gave to her bridesmaids:

Their program was so much fun to do.
We put little clear photo corners on the program and put actual
wallet-sized photos for guests to have!

Thanks for letting us be part of your special day!!

Micaiah Tyson

We love doing projects for friends! The first real project that we did was the birth announcement of our good friend's third little baby, Micaiah. It was so much fun to create this very Victorian looking announcement!

We needed pictures of him before we could create the announcement and so I went over to their house and took some pictures of their little cuties!

Sweet Micaiah:

The Tyson's oldest, Anna. What a cute smile!

Nate, the middle kid! He's so much fun!

Cute little feet!!