
Our Mantle

We love to decorate our house with pictures of our family and our friends--it reminds us of all the people we love and who love us. Recently I'd been trying to decide who (or what) to give the most prized position to--above the fireplace--the coveted mantle!! haha :)

Finally, we decided to put two huge frames with this passage and this picture in them to remind us to follow hard after Jesus.

I've already been so blessed by this decision. Each time I look up there I'm reminded what our true goal should be. It has nothing to do with our company or the success of it. Our true goal is only to glorify the Lord.


  1. Could you totally make posters with Scripture and then Kevin and I could put them around the house in nice frames? I totally have been wanting to do this. I am so excited about it that I have used the word "totally" twice now. Let me know!!!

  2. well, of course we could! :) Lets talk about what style you want them to be, size, colors, and of course which scripture!
